Path of Exile has won the love of many players with its characteristic POE Currency system and its regular updates. However, the next major update of Path of Exile will not be released in December as previously promised. This is only because of Bopunk 2077. Unusually, the postponement of Cyberpunk 2077 in December had a ripple effect on a completely unrelated game.

The 3.13 ending expansion of "Path of Exile" will arrive on December 11, the second day of "Cyberpunk 2077", and will now be available in January one month later.

The developer wrote on the game forum: "Previously, our 3.13 Endgame extended version was released on December 11." We are confident that we will be able to achieve this goal through high-quality extensions. Yesterday CD Projekt Red announced that it will be released on December 11. "Cyberpunk 2077" will be released on the 10th. We don't want our players to choose between these two games, so we decided to postpone the release of Path of Exile 3.13 to January.

"We still plan to complete version 3.13 in early/mid-December. The scope of the extension will remain unchanged. In the postponement months before the release, we will start work on the 3.14 extension. I hope that our development progress will not be affected by this delay. ,"

Although many players are disappointed by the delay of this expansion, this will not reduce their love for the path of exile. In order to ensure their stable performance, most players will choose to buy POE Currency PS4 in the POECurrency store, which will make them The game journey is more relaxed and interesting.

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