The map depicts the evolution of Ryemouth during the last twenty-five years. Several changes have occurred, the most notable of which are improvements in accommodation, the termination of the fishing sector, and the creation of sports facilities.
In 1995, there was a fishing business to the south of the settlement, near the sea, with a fishing port and a huge fish market. A little bistro stood just next to it. A line of five stores and a hotel existed on the other side of the road running along the sea, while farmland and a park with trees were located in the north east section of the settlement. The village's primary housing was located in the north west, surrounding a main road that runs from the seaside road, with twelve buildings, four of which were surrounded by a smaller side-street mapquest driving directions.
On the current map, the fishing facilities have all vanished, replaced by four flats, and the businesses have been converted into restaurants. The café and hotel remain, but with parking facilities that they did not previously have. The farmland has been transformed into a golf course, and the woodland park has been destroyed to make place for tennis courts. Although the ancient homes are still standing, new ones have been erected, as well as a new road with two new residences alongside it.