Handmade Sink Factory introduces the classification of kitchen sink drains:

1. Flip-over drainer: The flap-type drainer can be rotated in any direction at will, causing the water in the basin to leak out. The airtightness of the flap-type drainer will decrease after being used for a long time, so that the basin cannot hold water. Or there is a situation where it cannot be turned over; the flap-type water absorber has a simple structure, is easy to clean, and is easy to replace.

2. Leaky type drainer: The structure of the leaky type drainer is also relatively simple, which is similar to that of the kitchen sink. The disassembly and assembly procedure of the leaky type drainer is slightly more complicated than the installation of the push-type drainer and the flap type drainer. The sink basin cannot hold water unless it is covered with an airtight cover.

3. Press-type drainer: Although the press-type drainer looks good, the press-type drainer is more likely to adhere to dirt, and the entire drainer needs to be unscrewed to clean it, and some of the push-type water absorber has been installed when the basin is installed. It is fixed in the drain hole of the basin, and it is difficult to take it out. Such drainer cannot be thoroughly cleaned, resulting in residual dirt, which is very inconvenient to use. If the drainer is unscrewed and then re-installed, it may be loose and not firm. The kitchen sink often has to wash dishes and vegetables, such a drain is not easy to clean, so it is better to install such a drain less!

Through the above introduction, Stainless Steel Faucets Factory hopes that you can simply refer to the content of this article in future use.